Local residents of Royston form the Rosemount Development Trust Limited, a company limited by guarantee with charitable status.
Refurbishment works of “the Millburn Centre” are complete and very quickly achieve 100% occupancy.1994
Second phase of development undertaken providing a further two business units, and eight small workshops, creating additional job opportunities for local residents.1997

Building of new business premises in Charles Street is completed.2000
RDT sets up its second wholly owned subsidiary company, Roystonhill Spire and Park Limited to maintain the Royston Spire.2011
Rosemount Workspace Limited secures funding from the Big Lottery to run an employability project, Royston at Work, for young people 16-24 years of age.2012
The Royston at Work programme completes successfully, with 8 young people moving into full time employment, 4 of which were modern apprenticeships.2018

In 2019 Rosemount Development Trust’s local heritage project saw people from all ages and backgrounds getting together to make discoveries about local history and heritage – which then helped inspire the designs of the 12 mosaic panels which were sited permanently in Roystonhill Spire Park. This public art and heritage project was funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund Scotland and Rosemount Workspace Ltd.2020
Along with other local organisations as we supported the community during the COVID19 pandemic.2021
In September 2021 the Roystonhill Spire made its debut as part of Doors Open Days – a FREE festival about architectural heritage. Our audio walking tour was made free to download and guides showed our visitors around the new historical interpretation panels that tell our building’s history and and beautiful new mosaics inspired by people’s stories and memories of the local area.Press & Media
View a small selection of the press coverage we have received at Rosemount Development Trust.

Rosemount Business Park – availability
We provide high quality rental space, while supporting the community. Please get in touch – we currently have 2 available units: Unit M3 – 2250

Roystonhill Spire aerial view
This film is a birds-eye view of the area from over the Roystonhill Spire clock tower – made for Doors Open Day Festival in September

Construction of Rosemount Business Park
Looking back at photos taken in 1998-99 during the construction of Rosemount Business Park. In 1997 the local charity Rosemount Development Trust had achieved 100% occupancy

155th Anniversary
Birds-eye view – a photo taken from the Roystonhill Spire by our steeplejacks. Today we commemorate that on 8th June 1866 – 155 years ago

History boards
Our boards have arrived! They will soon be installed in the Spire Park along with 12 beautiful mosaic panels which were created from community workshops