Greening Royston Road

Rosemount Development Trust in partnership with The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) will be bringing new greenery to Royston Road. A community-based conservation project called “Greening Royston Road” will be commencing soon – adding a number of new planters between Royston Library and Blochairn Road. We hope that members of the local community and groups operating in […]
Living Wall at Royston Primary

Royston Primary’s brilliant new Living Wall! Rosemount Development Trust was delighted to help fund this project in partnership with the Parent Council and we’d like to congratulate them on doing a brilliant job! Royston Road is one of the most polluted roads in Glasgow and initiatives like living walls help to tackle poor air quality […]
Roystonhill Spire aerial view

This film is a birds-eye view of the area from over the Roystonhill Spire clock tower – made for Doors Open Day Festival in September 2021 ?
Supporting School Christmas Grotto

After receiving a lovely letter from the Pupil Council at Royston Primary School we were delighted to support them with their festive activities. Director Alan Brown and Managing Director Maureen Flynn were delighted to present a cheque for £1,000 to ensure pupils were able to celebrate a brilliant Christmas event in school with their teachers […]
Christmas Lights switch-on

Our tree lights and the local illuminations have been switched-on! As a local community led organisation, Rosemount Development Trust funds the decorations/ illuminations on Royston Road, and the Christmas Tree at Royston Primary School. We have done so for the past 4 years, with financial support from our subsidiary Rosemount Workspace Ltd.
Doors Open Days Festival

We’re participating in #GDODF21 ! Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival is a FREE festival about Glasgow’s architectural gems, with events, audio walking tours and activities for kids from 13th-19th September 2021. On Sunday 19th September 10am-2pm, will offer free refreshments tea, coffee, juice and biscuits using the great facilities provided by our friends […]
Free bikes for young people

RDT were delighted to welcome Transport Minister Graeme Dey MSP to the area yesterday to launch our new project ‘Equality Cycles’, which we are working on in partnership with St Paul’s Youth Forum. The project will see us work with schools to distribute free bikes to young people over the next year along with a […]
Have Your Say on Regeneration of Royston

HAVE YOUR SAY ON REGENERATION PLANS FOR ROYSTON! Rosemount Development Trust are working with Kevin Murray Associates to develop a regeneration plan for Royston and we’ve arranged an exhibition of what we’ve done so far and are doing next at the Community Hub on Roystonhill. Pop in from today (Iain from KMA will be around to chat […]
Ben Tibbs winner of 2020-21 Jim Conway Award

Ben Tibbs St Roch’s S2 Secondary School Pupil wins Rosemount Development Trust’s . Ben is the youngest pupil to be nominated by St Rochs secondary for the award. Ben completed a sponsored climb up Ben Lomond and raised £1500 in memory of his grandad, Billy. The money was used to fund an outdoor defibrillator and […]
Regeneration Survey – Prize Draw

Let your voice be heard – complete this survey on Provanhill Street & Royston Road Regeneration before Wednesday 21st April 2021 – also giving you the chance to win £100 in our prize draw. Survey link here: Photo via JR James Collection, University of Sheffield