Provanhill Street and Royston Road Regeneration

We are delighted to have secured £40,000 from GCC’s ‘Vacant and derelict Land’ Fund. The funds, awarded by the Scottish Government, and administered through Glasgow City Council’s Vacant and Derelict Land Fund will be used to carry out a feasibility study/site investigation into short, medium, and longer-term use of the Provanhill Street site. This gives […]

History boards

Our boards have arrived! They will soon be installed in the Spire Park along with 12 beautiful mosaic panels which were created from community workshops on local history. The Spire Park public art and heritage project is funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund Scotland and Rosemount Workspace Ltd.

Rosemount supporting Baby and Parent Support Service

GLASGOW’S NO 1 BABY AND PARENT SUPPORT SERVICE The Directors of Rosemount Development Trust were delighted, once again, to support GN1BPSS for a third year, with funding support of £6,720. Through our membership of the Development Trust Scotland (DTAS), the Directors have supported GN1BPSS, by securing a total grant of £30,720 over the past 3 […]

The beacon is back!

Our contractors have been working hard on rewiring/upgrading the Roystonhill Spire lights, and we are pleased to say that they are now all back on. Thanks to Field & Lawn and HF Electrical Ltd – the improved lights are more environmentally friendly with much lower energy consumption, and will be on from dusk till dawn.