Provanhill Street Park Project

We’re very excited to announce that our long awaited Provanhill Street Park Project begins on Monday the 24th of February, with works to be completed before the end of Summer. We absolutely could not be in this position without funding from The Vacant and Derelict Land Improvement Programme, distributed by Glasgow City Council and additional support from The […]
Summer Celebration Photos 2022

Pictures from our summer celebration on Saturday 20th August – photography by David James Calder and Catriona Donald.Our free event had a range of fantastic activities available from Davro the Magician, tombola, ultimate reptiles and much much more.Thank you to everyone who came along and supported the event including Angie and Catriona at Spire View […]
Planter building at Rosemount Lifelong Learning

As part of our ‘Greening Royston Road’ project, we’re working with TCV Scotland and Rosemount Lifelong Learning to build and install planters outside of RLL’s offices. Get in touch and come along on Thursday 11th – everyone’s welcome!
Jim Conway Award 2022

We are delighted to announce that Ben Montague is the recipient of our Jim Conway Award for 2021-2022.Ben was nominated by senior staff at St Roch’s Secondary School for his role in providing an inclusive and supportive environment in the extra-curricular clubs that he runs and in recognition of the enthusiasm and hard work which […]
Greening Royston Road

Rosemount Development Trust in partnership with The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) will be bringing new greenery to Royston Road. A community-based conservation project called “Greening Royston Road” will be commencing soon – adding a number of new planters between Royston Library and Blochairn Road. We hope that members of the local community and groups operating in […]
Living Wall at Royston Primary

Royston Primary’s brilliant new Living Wall! Rosemount Development Trust was delighted to help fund this project in partnership with the Parent Council and we’d like to congratulate them on doing a brilliant job! Royston Road is one of the most polluted roads in Glasgow and initiatives like living walls help to tackle poor air quality […]
Cycle Hub update

The Royston On Bikes cycle hub had a major makeover – all of the lovely motifs on the hub were designed and drawn by pupils at St Roch’s Secondary. Thank you to Molly and Michaela from @swg3glasgow who worked so hard in the cold and rain to bring the young peoples’ ideas to life and […]
Supporting Crafts Group

We were delighted to present a cheque for £968 to ‘Crafts for Laffs’. The funding will contribute towards the group’s running costs this year as well as allowing them to go on a wee shopping spree for new materials. The RDT Board were keen to show support for such a talented group who provide a […]
Supporting School Christmas Grotto

After receiving a lovely letter from the Pupil Council at Royston Primary School we were delighted to support them with their festive activities. Director Alan Brown and Managing Director Maureen Flynn were delighted to present a cheque for £1,000 to ensure pupils were able to celebrate a brilliant Christmas event in school with their teachers […]
Spire Park mosaics

Works in progress – next week will see the completion of the wonderful mosaics, and annual maintenance work on the Spire, in preparation for Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival on 19th September. Artist Jane McInally worked with local people of all ages, researching the history of the area for inspiration in creating the mosaics. There will […]